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The Browser Grinch strikes again: A tale of Chrome security updates


'Twas the season to be jolly, but lurking in the digital shadows was the Browser Grinch. Chrome's recent zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2023-7024) crashed the holiday party, echoing the chaos of Microsoft's 2018 emergency update. This is interrupting holiday festivities with unexpected security updates, leaving IT professionals and users scrambling. The Browser Grinch stole the holidays... again. 

A holiday security nightmare

In the browser security realm, the Grinch comes in the form of a high-severity heap buffer overflow bug in Chrome’s WebRTC component – the eighth documented zero-day this year. Google's swift response to this vulnerability mirrors past emergency updates during the holiday season, sending shivers down the spines of IT professionals and users alike.

Google's emergency patches aim to thwart the Grinch's plans, especially with the awareness of an active exploit for CVE-2023-7024. The security hole, reported just a day before the patches, raises concerns about potential exploitation by commercial surveillance software vendors. Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG) involvement adds a layer of intrigue to the unfolding drama.

The patch buffer solution

Amidst the chaos, there is hope – the concept of a "patch buffer." Menlo Security provides a unique solution through isolation. Imagine a world where your users are protected even before they update. That's the power of a patch buffer – a safety net that allows you to worry about updates in January, not during the holiday rush.

How does it work? Through the magic of cloud-based browser security. Even without immediate updates, your users remain protected. Rather than relying on each user to install patches immediately, the patch buffer provided by the platform significantly mitigates the browser exploit class of attacks by providing organizations with the time they need to implement patches across multiple types of devices so users can stay safe and work without worry. 

Menlo’s cloud security platform with an Isolation Core protects customers by providing that browser patch buffer. The patch buffer solution provides a safety net, allowing everyone to focus on the festivities while their browsers stay secure. This ensures that the Grinch does not get remote code execution on your users' endpoints. No bitcoin mining, no probing for further vulnerabilities to sow chaos outside of the renderer process sandbox.

Stress-free, secure holidays

Browsers have put the entire world on our devices and in the palm of our hand—easily searchable in a powerful and seamless experience. This is where work happens, in browsers, email, and shared files. Securing this essential (yet vulnerable) entry point, ensures malicious actors wouldn’t be able to launch, much less carry out, an attack. Simply put, Chrome is critical to getting business done, as it is used by nearly two-thirds of devices worldwide.

Businesses now have the chance to be the heroes in their own security story, proactively securing users without the last-minute scramble for updates. There is hope for stress-free holidays where you can revel in the joy of the season without worrying about looming security threats. Our solution transforms the security experience, offering a peace of mind that is often elusive during this time of year. Postpone updates until the new year and embrace the holidays with open arms.

Explore how our patch buffer solution can transform your security experience. Take the first step toward safeguarding your browsers without the last-minute panic. Your stress-free holidays await!

Menlo Security

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