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Menlo Security Named a Leader in GigaOm Radar Report for Secure Enterprise Browsing
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Secure web browsing

As the most widely used enterprise application, the browser has become a common target for threat actors - leading to securing the web browser as a critical need for organizations.

The browser has emerged as the most widely used enterprise application today. With a browser, users can access corporate data and business tools from anywhere with a reliable Internet connection. But threat actors have taken notice as well, and, as a result, the popularity of the browser has made it the world’s most common attack vector – accounting for more than 80% of attacks in 2022. Unfortunately, traditional network and endpoint security based solutions such as web gateways, EDRs and firewalls are blind to browser based activity because they rely only on detection capabilities such as pattern matching of known bad threats and don’t have complete visibility into specific browser behaviors. Securing web browsing has become a critical need for organizations.

What are the use cases for secure web browsing?

Secure web browsing is used in various scenarios, including protecting against phishing attacks, preventing data exfiltration, ensuring compliance with regulations, and securing remote workers accessing the web.

Evasive threats targeting the browser

Threat actors are using highly evasive threats to deliver ransomware and phishing attacks through the web browser. These include:

Evasive threats targeting the browser

With the web browser as the most widely used enterprise application today, phishing has become a vital tool for adversaries to compromise user systems, steal data, or gain unauthorized access by deceiving users into revealing sensitive information, usually through fake websites or emails.

Zero Day Browser Exploits

Zero day phishing attacks and other vulnerabilities are unknown or never before seen. These attacks or security flaws have not yet been categorized by web filters as malicious or not yet been patched by developers. Ensuring strong browser security helps defend against such zero day exploits by implementing inline Browser Security and dynamic security enforcement for users.

Malware and Ransomware

Browsers can be the avenue of choice for threat actors to inject malware and ransomware, which can cause numerous issues, such as data theft, system damage, or loss of control over your device, all of which result in loss of revenue for your organization. Robust Browser Security helps prevent such malware attacks and ensures safer browsing experiences.

How do I protect browser activity in my organization?

Legacy detect and respond solutions were built for a different world and aren’t suited to monitoring browser behavior or identifying the highly evasive techniques used by today’s threat actors. Organizations need deep visibility into browser actions, preventative browser security, global coverage, support for any device, support for all browsers, and high performance.

Deep visibility into browser actions

Organizations need context into specific browser behavior that give cybersecurity teams the tools to stop threats from making initial access on the end point. This level of insight can enrich datasets used by security teams accelerating analysis into potential security issues.

Preventative Browser Security

Commonly deployed network or endpoint solutions that rely on signatures of known bad threats, or AI trained on network based telemetry are easily bypassed by evasive techniques. Using preventative security that will not allow a direct connection between the end user and potentially malicious web content can drastically reduce the risk associated with all browser interactions.

Global coverage

The increase in remote and hybrid workforces have resulted in the need to ensure security policy is enforced wherever work is being done. Whether that’s in an office, coffee shop, or the other side of the world, your Browser Security solution needs to have consistent policy and visibility.

Support for any device

Work isn’t performed only on a corporate owned and secured device. Users often choose to use their own personal devices, or connect their corporate and personal devices together (such as iMessage shared across a corporate Macbook and personal iPhone). For security to be consistent, visibility needs to be maintained which requires the support for all devices and operating systems.

Support for all browsers

Rather than forcing users to utilize a specific browser which will likely change how they get their work done – preserve the workflow that your end users have defined for themselves, and layer security on top of that. Users that are forced to jump through hoops in order to access the tools they need to get their job done will find innovative ways to circumvent security. This will result in blindspots for your security team and lower the level of security for the company.

High performance

Security needs to be invisible to end users, and not only support any device and any location, but to operate without impacting their performance expectations. Websites, applications and content must load at the speed the user expects. A Browser Security solution should be instantly scalable at all points to support the changing workload of your users.

Why use Menlo for secure web browsing?

Menlo Security provides complete end to end visibility into all web traffic and enables dynamic policy controls allowing you to identify and prevent browser-based threats from reaching your end users no matter where they are in the world, what device or browser they’re using. Menlo Security provides inline analysis using our Elastic Isolation Core. This provides complete visibility into specific browser behaviors such as the presence of counterfeit logos, mismatches between logos and domains, obfuscation, dynamic code generation and other evasive techniques without impacting end user experience.

Transform every browser into a secure enterprise browser