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Menlo Security Named a Leader in GigaOm Radar Report for Secure Enterprise Browsing
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Browsing Forensics delivers actionable data, not just more clues.

Get the information you need for incident resolution, threat hunting, and other security tasks, quickly and easily.

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One-click access to the information you need.

Illustration representing Browser Forensics where you can see insight to data, time and when something was clicked and all privacy controlled

Get answers, not ambiguity

In the past, you’ve had to try to reach conclusions based on clues gathered from other security devices. Sometimes, you’ve had to interview users to try to piece together anything that they can remember about a session that may be weeks in the past. With Menlo Browsing Forensics, you can click into browser session recordings, including user keystrokes, so you can easily get the facts.

During a security incident, make every minute count

When a security event occurs, it is essential to get to the bottom of the issue as quickly as possible. Every minute you spend on investigation and speculation can spell potential exposure for your company. With Browsing Forensics, you can deliver the facts in minutes, without guesswork and without ambiguity.

You maintain privacy and control

While Menlo Browsing Forensics provides detailed views of user sessions, we do not have access to them. Instead, all content is sent directly to the storage that you specify, and logs can be ported to your SIEM at your discretion.

Find out more about how Browsing Forensics can help you

screenshot of Menlo Security Browser Forensics

Get the information you need without guesswork.

Trace incident triggers to browsing sessions.

Get full visibility

Menlo Browsing Forensics allows you to go from an event trigger straight to the specifics you need for complete resolution. You can see details about the user, the browser, the destination, and even the user’s keyboard inputs.

Threat hunters have never had it so good

Threat hunters have long been stymied by the precise user actions that may have led to a security issue or event. With Browsing Forensics, you can follow the trail to quickly find the source of the problem.

Our customers believe in our approach to targeting evasive threats.

We’re solving the biggest security challenges for the largest companies in the world, and we’re doing it against a threat landscape that’s changing on a daily basis.

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Highly evasive threats are growing as threat actors evolve how they deploy phishing and malware attacks. Tools like Menlo Security’s browser security solution, including their HEAT Shield, can help to combat cyber threat vectors for the world’s top financial institutions, governments and leading enterprises.

Michael Urciuoli
Chief Information Officer
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Menlo Security is the easiest way for us to analyze malicious URLs and combat HEAT (Highly Evasive Adaptive Threats) as we conduct our investigations and research. It has been a good solution for us when it comes to our incident response especially as we investigate hundreds of threats every day. With Menlo, we can easily detect malicious URLs leading to faster threat detection response. Menlo allows us to provide our analysts with a risk-free internet experience without impacting user performance.

Joy Luville Mahinay
Security Operations Manager
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Menlo gives us full visibility inside the browser allowing me to detect and block highly evasive threats targeting my users. Before Menlo Security we didn’t know our users were being targeted with evasive web threats until it was too late. Menlo Security now provides us with visibility into the browser allowing us to completely remove the malware problem from web and email links. Menlo allows us to provide users with a risk-free internet experience without impacting user performance.

Christopher Fong
VP, Cybersecurity & Compliance
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Menlo gives us full visibility inside the browser, allowing me to detect and block highly evasive threats targeting my users.

Ang Shun Lie Terence
Service Delivery Manager
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We know we need to protect our network from emerging attacks and threats targeting the web browser. We are seeing highly evasive threats as a concerning and growing tactic amongst threat actors, and solutions like HEAT Shield can dynamically block these attacks, even if they are zero hour, keeping our endpoints safe.

Greg Pastor
Director of Information Security

The solution prevents all web and email security threats before they enter our network. The main difference with the on-premise proxy was that we were heavily dependent on signatures, web categorization, and filtering. We have seen a decrease in the number of security alerts that our security ops team has to follow up on. Menlo provides a periodic report, which we can check on a regular basis. The report gives me confidence that the websites that are supposed to be blocked are always blocked. It lessens the tasks of the personnel who are doing web monitoring, so they're able to do other things.

Sir Jonathan Pineda
Chief Information Security Officer

Menlo provides my users a risk-free internet experience with no noticeable difference
to their browsing speed.

Jeremy Ong
Chief Information Officer