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SASE security: Where organizations should start their journey


Today, remote and hybrid work models have become status quo. The days of employees commuting to work to access platforms and applications needed to be productive are long gone. Application workloads have nearly all migrated to the cloud, forcing many organizations to acknowledge that today's work environment is soundly embedded in the cloud.

The distributed workforces of today continue to need anywhere, anytime access to the digital applications and assets that allow them to conduct work. Still, while network and security models were sufficient to cater to this need, a next-generation architecture is needed to ensure it today.

Many organizations are looking to explore the benefits of the secure access service edge (SASE) architecture which provides a much tighter convergence of network connectivity and security functions and ensures employee productivity is protected, and work is optimized. But where should organizations just getting acquainted with SASE start their journey?

During a recent discussion with Mauricio Sanchez, research director at Dell'Oro Group, Menlo Security Co-founder and Chief Product Officer, Poornima DeBolle, answered that question.

Tune into a snippet from the conversation below, but be sure to watch the full version of the interview here, where we've highlighted key points in the discussion you can skip to.

To learn more about SASE and how to take a phased approach to its implementation, be sure to download this ESG white paper that's filled with new insights and advice.

Menlo Security

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