The enterprise of today looks and operates a lot different than it did over a decade ago. With an array of technology that’s flooded corporate networks to accelerate business processes and cater to the anywhere, everywhere employee of today, the opportunities are endless…but so are the risks. Unbeknownst to many organizations, the primary challenge they face lies in the security technology they’ve invested in to protect the network…which may be one of the few things that hasn’t evolved along with the business.
Threat actors are no strangers to the fact that these solutions are primarily based on the notion of detecting and remediating threats and building rules around stopping the bad stuff. That’s why they’ve adapted much quicker than security technology has. But, isolation technology has been proven to be a good solution to solve this problem.
In the video interview below featuring Menlo Security Vice President of Product Management, Nick Edwards, he quickly breaks down how modern enterprises are benefitting from isolation technology.