Incredible Service for Incredible Customers.

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customer support manager with headset working on computer

Support Portal

No matter where you’re located, our global network of support specialists are ready to help you with any of our products and solutions.

Woman with mobile device in hand standing in office
Video conferencing for online training

Training Program

We offer a comprehensive training program for customers, designed to equip them with skills to maximize the use of our products and solutions.

Self-Service Resources

At Menlo, we are here to support you. Our ever-increasing Knowledge Base provides yet another way to place valuable information at your fingertips, and assists in answering your questions.

Please feel free to view, search, and access the content here.


Illustration of a web browser and 2 people anylyzitng site looking for security vulnerability


潜在的なセキュリティ問題を報告するには、次のアドレスにあるセキュリティチームにメールを送信してください。。提供されている公開 PGP 鍵を暗号化に使用することを強くお勧めします。提出物には以下の情報を含めるようお願いします。

  1. 完全な URL
  2. あなたが取った措置
  3. エビデンス/概念実証/再現方法 (可能であればビデオまたはスクリーンショットを含む)
  4. リスクまたは悪用可能性

発生した問題の解決策を提供していただき感謝しますが、必須ではありません。お客様のメールを受信すると、確認メールを自動送信します。問題の調査に役立つ詳細情報が必要な場合にのみ、追加の電子メールで返信します。お客様を保護するために、Menlo Securityはセキュリティ問題を開示したり、話し合ったり、確認したりすることはありません。


フィッシング攻撃は、今日でも企業で最も保護の行き届かない攻撃対象であるウェブブラウザを標的にしています。Menlo SecurityのHEATポートフォリオは、こうした攻撃をリアルタイムで動的に防ぎ、エンドユーザーを狙った回避性の高い攻撃についての洞察を提供します。

Illustration of an open email letter


サポートは世界中で24時間年中無休でご利用いただけます。 までメールでお問い合わせください

Customer CASE Studies

How Customers are Protecting Productivity
with Menlo Security

Menlo focuses on securing the browser, because that's where most enterprise work takes place.   

Discover why organizations around the world rely on Menlo Security to protect the enterprise and enable secure access to applications, preventing attacks that legacy security tools cannot stop.

See Customer Case Studes

"Menlo was easy to roll out and integrates well with our security and technology stack in the cloud.”

Alex Ooi

Chief Information Security Officer, Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB)

“To employees, Menlo  is completely transparent, allowing users to navigate a completely functional web resource.”

Premier Miton

UK Based Investment Management Company

“…allows Synapxe to protect its assets from malicious threats without impacting the native user experience.“


Health Tech Agency of Singapore

“I wanted a layered approach that would protect users from web-based threats without slowing down their ability to get work done.”

Dane Zielinski

InfoSec Manager, Jacobson Holdings

“The platform has decreased our remediation needs, while reducing patch pressure.”

Alan Goh

Chief Information Officer, M1 Communications

“Menlo Security helped us eliminate the possibility of a malware infection, rather than just detecting and removing an infection.”

Koichi Sekiguchi

ICT Planning Team Leader, Tokio Marine dR Co., LTD

“Before, we had to manually examine every single potential malware problem. Now, my job is much easier…with the Menlo Secure Cloud Browser.”

François Gasser

IT Security Officer, Gösgen Nuclear Power Plant

“Menlo takes care of all the unknown risks running rampant around the internet.”

Top Credit Card Issuer

Senior Cybersecurity Architect

“Zero-client,easy scaling, and cloud provisioned versus appliance.”

Karl Kemp

Information Security Officer

“Menlo Secure Cloud Browser provided the scalability to ensure that users world wide have the same transparent experience and unyielding protection.”

MTR Corporation

“[Menlo has] eliminated the need to manually apply and update policies across an increasingly distributed IT infrastructure.”

Fortune 100 Financial Services Firm

“Menlo provides protection from email-based malware embedded in links and attachments without impacting the user’s native email experience.”

Fortune 50 Global Investment Firm